GLOBAL VISION CHILDREN’S NETWORK (GVCN) is pleased to announce our HOME WORK AND ACADEMIC ASSISTANCE CLUB. This initiative aims at providing academic tutorial intervention to support students in elementary, middle and high school to enhance improved academic performance in English and Mathematics.

Our findings have shown that fewer than half of Hoosier students passed the recently conducted Indiana Learning Evaluation Assessment Readiness Network test, according to scores released by The Indiana Department of Education. The need to be aware of pieces that play a role in helping students to be successful cannot be over emphasized. Our program is subjected to cover the objectives of each individual student with enhanced care, where our professional instructors and experts from different discipline can help students towards their career. Aiming to provide guidance to individual students at a time, is our special psycho-social development strategy and students get to spend quality and motivational time with our experts. Homework and after school tutoring have been described as part of such pieces. “If we didn't learn about the best practices regarding homework, students would be wasting valuable at-home time when learning is critical to student achievement.”

The objective of our Home Work and Academic Assistance Initiative is to assist students in elementary, middle and high school to build successful lifetime learning skills with strong foundation in their core school subjects. Through the HOME WORK AND ACADEMIC ASSISTANCE CLUB initiative, GVCN strives to develop strong studentship, supporting, mentoring and modeling students with daily skills, confidence and motivation to pursue their academic goals and dreams with enthusiasm. HOME WORK AND ACADEMIC ASSISTANCE CLUB will help students with low retention span or struggling with getting their work done imbibe good study habits, organizational skills, time management, and passion for academic accomplishment.

Contact Us

Address : Suite J&K, Intel office, 3974 Georgetown Road, Indianapolis, Indiana, 46254

Call : 317-440-6618 , 317-450-8395

Email : info@gvcn.org